《实习医生格蕾 第五季》观后感10篇

发布时间:2019-01-14   来源:爱情文章    点击:   


《实习医生格蕾 第五季》观后感10篇

  《实习医生格蕾 第五季》是一部由Rob Corn执导,艾伦·旁派 / 帕特里克·德姆西 / 吴珊卓主演的一部剧情 / 爱情类型的电影,特精心从网络上整理的一些观众的观后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《实习医生格蕾 第五季》观后感(一):从最初的欢乐到越来越悲伤



  《实习医生格蕾 第五季》观后感(二):不知下一季演什么


  《实习医生格蕾 第五季》观后感(三):For George!

  在这一季Alex长大了,成了一个男人,一个丈夫;Meredith几乎变了个人,不再阴暗而怯懦,变得阳光而勇敢;Yang开始谈起纯纯的恋爱,学会表达,学会说I love you!Izzie终于经受了死亡的考验,看到了她的王子......一切似乎都不再纠结,但美剧永远不是偶像剧,George的死就像晴天霹雳,那个最镇定,最努力,最踏实,最善良,最可爱,最向上,性格最健全的George就这么莫名地没了~毫无征兆......


  《实习医生格蕾 第五季》观后感(四):18集里感人的句子~

  18集看完以后很久了~~但是结尾时候mere的画外音总还是会在脑海中回响起来~~第五季里让人感动的并不多~~印象中之是heaven,hell or limbo那集~~之后便是这集


  racticing medicine doesn"t lend itself well to the making of friends

  Maybe because life and mortality are in our faces all the time

  Maybe because staring down death every day

  We"re force to know that life every minute is borrowed time

  And each person we let ourselves care about

  is just one more loss somewhere down the line

  For this reason

  I know some doctors who just don"t bother making friends at all

  ut the rest of us

  we make it our job to move that line

  To push each loss

  as far away as we can...

  《实习医生格蕾 第五季》观后感(五):My GA Recollection

  It feels so good to stay at home all day watching the shows you like. I can"t complain about anything right now. "Cause I actually feel really good, even my toughest anxiety becomes forgettable. I"ve finally got the chance to finish GA Season 5 today, and after that something drove me so hard to recollect the show from the very beginning as well as recollect the pieces of my life.

  When I first started watching GA, I"ve never thought it would mean this big for me. Some shows just not only the entertainment of our life, they"re like friends who knew you at the first place and still they"re always there giving you a shoulder to cry on. They carry our memories, histories and feelings. GA is the one for me. Maybe it"s not the greatest show ever, but for me it"s significant. I"ve been growing with it. I"ve been growing as every character does. I"ve been growing with a heart dark and twisty.

  It is true that when something begins, you generally have no idea how it"s gonna end. The future is never what we"ve imagined.

  ack from the beginning, Meredith was asking her good looking one-night-standed partner with amazingly attractive hair to leave with a corny embarrassment revealed on her smiling face; Christina was confidently asking about being "selected as the best intern" and whining about Izz"s former part time job as a model; George had never gave up being nice or getting close to the others, but he was taken as a joke; Izz was told to do the rectal examination and can"t help making her face when she stuck her fingers into the ass of a patient; Doc. Baily was wearing her mushroom head which is subject to very popular criticism even today; Here comes Burke, the perfect guy who resolutely left his fiancée in the wedding ceremony and us in the middle of the show...

  We can"t tell who"s the best at the beginning. Meredith lost in the hospital; George panicked in the surgery room being watching and betted on by the other interns, and he got a creepy name "007"; Izz got Baily pissed off by interrupting her nap for a patient who needs antibiotics rather than the reason that someone was dying; Alex was just an arrogant rude jerk.... And I"ve been there before, panic, complain, lose, freak out, be silly, cocky, selfish and inconsiderate... or even worse. I can"t tell whether I can handle my life rightly and bravely at that time neither.

  one of them have imagined they would become family of each other; None of them have predicted those pains, struggles, changes or those life and death things injected in their life; None of them have realized and expected those massive magnificent changes happening everyday around them; None of them have ever thought they would become this strong to handle the pain, the loss and departure. Just as what Izz said at the last "you don"t recognize the biggest day of your life, not until you"re right in the middle of it." We don"t recognize anything until we"re actually experiencing the most of it. Their life keeps growing deep. So does mine. And I"m growing deep too. I don"t run away like before, I face things, I stand up on my own, and I handle them. GA is showing and witnessing the histories and changes of my life too.

  In GA, hospital is a battlefield, and doctors are soldiers. They don"t surrender, because they can"t. They"ve been working their ass off for saving lives, or not that great, just for avoiding mistakes and killing. But what they"re doing is sacred. All of the stories going on in this show carry only one clue ---- take the time to treasure. I"m gonna quote the last voice-over in the end of Season 5, and I"m gonna ask myself and everyone else who reads this article:

  Did you say it? "I love you. I don"t ever wanna live without you. You changed my life..." Did you say it? Make a plan, set a goal, work toward it, but every now and then, look around, drink it in. "Cause this is it. It might be gone tomorrow.


  《实习医生格蕾 第五季》观后感(六):Grey's Anatomy 众生











  《实习医生格蕾 第五季》观后感(七):OH GOD


  Did you say it," I love you? I don’t ever want to live without you. You changed my life". Did you say it? Make a plan ,set a goal. Work toward it. But every now and then, look around. Drink it in. Because this is it. It might all be gone tomorrow.

  《实习医生格蕾 第五季》观后感(八):五个主角






  《实习医生格蕾 第五季》观后感(九):最后的最后的George(含Season5 Finale剧透)







  如果他只是另外一个故事,与每一集任何一个波澜不惊地事故无异,我也已经很爱这个故事了。其貌不扬的男子,以他惯常的方式,认真友好地say Hi,也许面对眼前清新美好的女孩还带着一丝羞涩的微笑。纵使只是一厢情愿。然后,事情快得来不及描述,值得留在记忆里的只是,他推开女孩,自己被车撞得稀巴烂。后来,女孩一直试图留在面目全非的男子身边,紧握的双手,满溢的泪眶,都让我相信,这会是一个美丽得不可多得的故事。




  最后的最后,Izzie穿着送走Denny时的那件美丽伤心的玫瑰色礼服站在电梯里,看着门打开后站在门外的George,两人相视一笑,释然,又残忍。他们有多久没有像真正的Best Friends一样彼此坦诚,彼此安抚了,大概久得连观众也不记得了。还好,最后的最后,在还来得及的时候,了却了。虽然我知道,Izzie走不出那间电梯就会回去了。



  《实习医生格蕾 第五季》观后感(十):Now or Never




  Did you say it?

  quot;I love you."

  quot;I dont ever want to live without you."

  quot;You changed my life."

  Did you say it?

  Make a plan...set a goal...work towards it...

  ut every now and again,look around...

  Drink it in.

  ...cause this is it.

  it might all be gone tomorrow.

